Friday, 17 January 2014

Housing and Histamine

There's a lot of factors to balance when pondering the next 6 months which decide the next 3 years.

Eric's lease isn't up til July. Megan doesn't know what she's doing yet or even what province she'll be in come summer. Mom and my little sister are moving to town in April and not a month later. This means that if I'm going to live with Mom I need to decide that very soon, but I don't know what Megan's doing and Eric will not be free til later but I don't want to leave either of them hanging for a reasonably priced place to live and... well, you see the problem.

On top of that, there's the cats to consider. Meg has recently become mildly allergic, mom is mildly allergic, and Eric has a dog but I love my kitties and could never just drop them in a shelter. Mom has said she's willing to deal with the cats so that door isn't closed. The cats and dog might get along so that's still a possibility. And Megan loves the kitties so if she's close enough to visit she'll probably spend half the visit petting the cats anyway.

I think the term Meg uses for situations like this is "spoiled for choice". I can't seem to narrow down the options so soon I'm just going to have to decide what I WANT to do.

~Sent from my cell~

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