Thursday, 20 February 2014

Rich people just don't get it.

So Tuesday night I got an email from the awesome place saying that they didn't like the fact that mom couldn't sign up for school til summer because there was no way in their mind that I could support everyone if something went wrong. They wanted a co-signer to cover their butts in case mom not only didn't get in her program, but then proceed to sit on her butt and not work or get OW(welfare) or anything.

We flat out told them we don't have a co-signer and thanks for your time and good luck.

Wednesday night after work I found I had a new email from them saying that they really want this to work and would I please look over their numbers to see if they made a mistake somewhere.

Attached was this:

So among the laughable assumptions were:
Cable - $45/month (we don't use cable)
Credit card - $50/month (we don't have credit cards)
Phone/mobile - $150/month (try $60 for both of us on talk/text only)
Misc - $250/month (really? maybe if we had it to spare that month and it was christmas or something)

Also, instead of using the actual net from my pay-stubs they took an estimated gross and used 20% to decide what the net is (my last pay the difference was 10.4%, the one before it was 14.4%). They didn't account for the months that I get an extra pay check due to the long month and didn't include ANY income from mom including child support, tax credits or anything.  So basically, they just don't get how poor people live.

Mom and I decided we were done jumping through hoops for someone who wouldn't understand and are instead persuing the one we saw before it. The manager was much more likeable and we can deal with carpet. Paperwork is getting handed in to them this Friday. 

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