Saturday, 19 November 2011

Not bad for a lazy Saturday morning

Spent about a half hour in the back yard this morning. The plan was to pull up any remaining wood along the edge of the patio and dig up the half pavers to even up the large bed.

Mission Accomplished

Turns out the dirt and gravel I thought were obscuring the view of the pavers... were actually in place of most of them. There were only three large brick type pieces separating the patio from the wood framing the garden. The rest was this:
Gravel mixed with dirt. Lovely isn't it?
So it looks like I'll be picking gravel out of my garden all next year... but hopefully it'll be all gone by the following season.

In combination with info from a Google search, I had a thought, while I was digging this morning, that should save us some money on the set up.

The plan had been to buy garden edging(the stuff you use to keep the grass from creeping in and the mulch from falling out) to keep the soil in the beds and we would use planks or mulch for the walkways... but look how many stones/bricks/rocks we've dug out of this garden!

Now I may be wrong, but I'm certain that there's plenty to keep the edges clear around the perimeter of the garden. As for the point between the path and the beds, I think that using discarded carpet scraps for the path will not only suppress weeds, but will be much tidier than using mulch or gravel that could spill into the beds.

And now that the gamers of the household are starting to stir after a late night, I should probably consider breakfast. Have a great Saturday!


  1. I didn't like carpet as a pathway. You'll be picking carpet shreds from your garden for a long time. The best thing I've found so far is cardboard, covered in mulch. I lay it down at the start of every season, and till it in in the fall. I tried leaving it and going with a no-till garden, but got lots and lots of slugs.

    I wouldn't worry about keeping the mulch to the paths. It works as a weed barrier between the plants too.

    Good Luck!!

  2. Thanks for the input. :)

    I'd be happiest if I could just find some one foot wide planks for the paths but wood doesn't seem to come free around here.
