Monday, 7 May 2012

Tomato Plants Smell Good

Seriously.. I have no clue what they smell like but it's a good smell.

Peppers and tomatoes living in harmony.


  1. Hi! I just stumbled over here looking for frost dates. I just started a SFG and am in London as well.

    When do you put your peppers out? Mine are half as tall but falling over. I suspect they are weak as there is no wind in my house. How do you get them to stand up?

  2. I started them in tiny 9-hole seedling pots and when they got too tall and scraggly for those I put them in the ones you see a but deeper then they were. Basically I put them in the pot deep enough that the soil would come up to the spot where the seed leaves dropped off. A combination of that, wind from the windows on sunny breezy days, and daily rotation so they don't lean against the window.

    I've also noticed that all my seedlings get too tall and skinny if given too much heat.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Ah, mine are in fairly big pots now. I didn't know I could backfill and cover up some of the stem. I will try that and just bought a fan to run for a couple of hours per day. Thanks!
