Saturday, 12 May 2012

Patchwork Garden

Okay I admit this looks a bit off, but hear me out.

John took all these pretty pictures today and I just had to use them to show you how the garden's growing.

Some of the pictures look odd because I turned them "right side up" as if you were looking at the whole garden from the patio.

1. The peas are starting to grab the netting and the beans are just starting to sprout. The broccoli/cauliflower/cabbage seem to be doing fine except I can't tell which is which. I also can't bring them out too early because the younger transplants are getting eaten before they can grow. The larger ones just get a couple holes in the leaves and left alone.

2. Nothing to see here... this is where the sweet potatoes are going to go.

3. Radishes are flourishing and I'm left wishing I had spaced them properly but the seeds were just so tiny! Squash will be growing on this bed's netting.

4. Some onions are started near the patio. The rest of this bed is for broccoli/cauliflower/cabbage over flow.

5. One or two of the kale seeds sprouted but they're not off to a very vigorous start. I may replant or start some indoors and bring them out when larger. This bed's netting will have the zuchini  and pumpkin on it later.

6. This is the herb bed. Top corners are lavender, the green center-right is parsley and I need to start a few more as the ones center-left didn't do as well. Oregano seeds are in the center but don't seem to be doing anything yet.

7. By the netting the purple peas are sprouting on the left, the mellons will be going on the right later. In the center are the bell peppers. On either side in the cages are beefsteak tomatoes, and in the front you can see the green of the garlic.

8. From left to right are chives & salad greens, parsnips & spinach, carrots, and on the netting are cherry tomatoes. Cucumbers will join this net later.

9. Off camera to the left are garlic and in the middle are onions and carrots. and to the right in cages are the roma/paste tomatoes.

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