Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Front Garden

Remember how I said the last one was a rough draft... well I meant it.
Here's the latest version and I think this is the one that will stick.
 Re-do of front yard plan with list of herbs for spiral and raspberries along fence.
Here's what that means:
The lavender and echinacia will be kept from sprawling across the sidewalk with little wrought iron looking fence things that get shoved in the ground and that makes a nice presentation. The herb spiral will be a low hill(about four feet by six or eight feet wide and maybe only two or three feet high.) with a lined gravel bed(maybe some bottom pinholes for slow drainage) on the north side.

The potatoes and strawberries will be grown together in straw. I saw the idea for this months ago and researched it a bit more yesterday before making the decision. The most helpful info was found at BetterVegetableGardening.com

The flower bed by the house will be mostly for looks but also to attract pollinators. The rose bush is to be moved to the corner and trellised. the corner by the front steps will be a trellised nasturtium for beauty and food.

All the unmarked space will be low ground cover suitable for walking on. This should prevent us from having another incident of ridiculously long grass looking so untidy.

On the other side of the driveway there's a narrow bed that currently houses an annoying flowering bush. It gets over grown in the summer and bogged down with snow in the winter making getting out of a car on that side difficult in any season. We've decided to chop it down and replace it with raspberries. They'll be more controlled and also tasty.

Placement of herbs on the spiral and a cross section of the gravel filled "wetland" spot at the base.
In the gravel bed will be flower pots of soil for the watercress and mint. The mint will be higher in the gravel so it doesn't get too soggy. This should provide the water needed for the watercress and the containment required to grow mint without it going all over the yard.

It's maybe even more work than the back yard was but I think it will be worth it.
What is/was your biggest landscaping/gardening project?

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