I was looking up land in BC because sometimes memory is faulty and things do change, so I wanted to make sure I could still get 5-25 acres (with or without shelter) for $50-100 thou. It turns out I can..... but it's nowhere NEAR where I want to live or have the ability to work in a city nearby to pay the mortgage.

The land where I wanted to buy was listed at $300 thou for 5 acres! (incl cottage). For that price there was a remote mountain top valley that as over 100 acres... but that was in the middle of nowhere and even if I did have a car or snow mobile it would take more than 2 hours each way to drive to work. Ouch.
So after about an hour of stressing over the fact that my current plan just wont work... I bumped into an old bookmark for S.O.I.L.
Wow, I can't believe I'd completely forgotten about these guys! I found them years ago when I was still with the mooch and although I really wanted to go for even just 3 months, I decided I couldn't because he wasn't healthy enough to come with(bad back and feet from being overweight) and there was no way I could afford to pay for an apartment and food for him while I was gone. I should have just gone, but that was a dumb and stubborn period of my life where I was insisting on making that relationship work.
Now I'm not attached at the hip to another human being and although I love my SOs, they are grown adults who take care of themselves so I'm free to take care of myself. I now have the opportunity to work and learn and save up all at the same time IN BC so when cheap land or a good opportunity for a co-op comes along I can snatch it up.
So that's the new plan. Work here for 2-3 years saving up a nest-egg, then working on a S.O.I.L. farm. Now all I have to do is figure out where and with whom I am living these next few years.