Friday, 14 March 2014

Mental Shopping Spree

I'm really excited about living with my family and it's keeping my brain busy with ideas for the housewarming party and ideas for day to day life and ideas about shopping. Now the rest are harmless planning ideas that will be gauged against my mom and sister's interest levels...  The shopping daydreaming however tends to get carried away. 

I start thinking about how we've already planned on buying a freezer and vacuum, and how I'm going to need a new bed cause my current bed won't fit in my room, and then I realize I'm going to need new sheets for the bed, and if I can get them at the KingsMills sale then I might as well get some good bath and dish towels, and then I start thinking about getting a food processor because (at the very least) my blender just doesn't cut it for making hummus, then I start looking at pressure cooker/caners, and the idea of fresh herbs crosses my mind, and I start thinking about a table for in the front window and wondering if the light from that window's going to put glare on the TV and if it does we should get a pleated divider to block the light, and omg that would look so good if we had a painted fan hanging over the TV, and I think I have one in my box of nic-nacks, and speaking of nic-nacks, maybe I should get a glass display case so they don't sit in a box the whole time I live here like every other place I've lived in London...
Freezer, Vacuum, Bed, Sheets, Towels, Food Processor, Pressure Cooker, Potted Herbs, Table, Pleated Divider, Display Case...
Okay so you can see this is getting a bit out of hand. I know the first six on the list are the most important and even the towels are kind of superfluous, so the rest will have to sit in their own list of maybe-if-theres-leftover-money.

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