Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Pursuit of Happiness

It's been brought to my attention how people often sabotage their own happiness. I don't want to be like that. I'm going to persue the people, places, and things that bring me the most joy in the long and short term. This means enjoying what I can, when I can, while making sure to attend to physical health/needs cause a hungry and homeless Shannon will not be as happy as a well fed cozy at home Shannon. 

Unfortunately this does mean seeing some people less often or in a different capacity which is a short term uncomfortableness that I feel will contribute to everyone's long term happiness. It also means encouraging some relationships with time and attention. 

I've sent out invites for the housewarming party to friends and co-workers and I'm really looking forward to the move and this new chance to do-it-right when it comes to things like eating healthy and such. 

Working out housemate stuff with mom has made me feel closer to her and the revelation that yet again we have come to the same conclusions separately and therefore wind up agreeing before a question is even asked... Well it feels like home. :) 

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