Wednesday, 31 October 2012

I cannot live on bread alone... I also need books.

I just finished reading "Made from Scratch" by Jenna Woginrich at at the very back was questions to the author  I'd just like to quote from it for a second here:
"Can you give readers your best advice for attaining self-sufficiency? What is your kernel of wisdom for a beginner?

The best advice I can give is to start small, and not let those small changes in your lifestyle feel small. Changing your life takes time, research, energy, and effort. But changing your light bulbs, grocery bag contents, and library books are great ways to get started."
In the tradition of Miss. Worinrich I decided to do something small and positive today. I made bread.
 The one at the back is whole grain baked in a loaf pan. It has with whole grains in it like those fancy twelve grain breads so it looks a bit odd. The two smaller loaves in the front are seasoned with garlic and herbs and braided for pulling apart and eating with a saucy dinner. :)

What's your favourite no microwave, no electric mixer, old school recipe?

Tuesday, 30 October 2012


Other than the power going out for a few hours and the kale plants getting a little beat up we survived the tail end of Sandy with no trouble.

I hope you and yours are also safe and sound.

Friday, 26 October 2012

A Pepper of a Different Colour.

So you've seen this pic already... but something happened.

Key pepper at bottom, other two in later pic.

This pepper started changing colour! This is it two days ago:

And this is it yesterday along with the other two circled above:

This tells me that the pepper seeds I got can and will produce red peppers if the right conditions are met. Next year a focus on proper pepper care plus plastic sheeting should produce a plentiful assortment of peppers.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Final? Harvest

Weather says possible snow tonight and the pepper plants were already showing signs of frost damage... So we got the last of the food out of the garden, (except the cold hardy cauliflower, kale and herb bed) and cut down the bean vines, and pulled the pepper plants. I can't say it's been a good year but it has been an informative one.

Big bowl of parsnips... and a few baby carrots.

A massive pile of parsley

Some smallish green peppers and a demented twin eggplant.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Here Comes Trouble

Saw this lil squirrel digging around the garden today and I couldn't figure out what he would be looking for. We haven't planted anything new or even turned over the soil in a long while.... Then it hit me.

He's not looking for food, he's hiding food.

We're going to have a lot of weird "weeds" in the spring..

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Long time no see.

October and still very green

Sorry it's been so long folks. Life kinda crept up on me and kept me distracted from the better things in life like blogging. :)

As you can see above, the cauliflower on the far left are healthy but not producing yet. The kale in the middle are loving the cold weather, the pepper plants in the right corner are a bit heavy with peppers and kind of droopy from the recent frost, and the parsnips on the lower right are going strong. The tomatoes, peas, and beans have given up for the year, and the herb bed needs some serious tending. (anyone need some parsley?)

Next weekend(or the one after if it rains again) we'll be mixing in amendments and covering the beds for winter.