Wednesday, 31 October 2012

I cannot live on bread alone... I also need books.

I just finished reading "Made from Scratch" by Jenna Woginrich at at the very back was questions to the author  I'd just like to quote from it for a second here:
"Can you give readers your best advice for attaining self-sufficiency? What is your kernel of wisdom for a beginner?

The best advice I can give is to start small, and not let those small changes in your lifestyle feel small. Changing your life takes time, research, energy, and effort. But changing your light bulbs, grocery bag contents, and library books are great ways to get started."
In the tradition of Miss. Worinrich I decided to do something small and positive today. I made bread.
 The one at the back is whole grain baked in a loaf pan. It has with whole grains in it like those fancy twelve grain breads so it looks a bit odd. The two smaller loaves in the front are seasoned with garlic and herbs and braided for pulling apart and eating with a saucy dinner. :)

What's your favourite no microwave, no electric mixer, old school recipe?


  1. Peanut butter Texas brownies. It's just a regular Texas brownie recipe, with peanut butter added to the icing. I poke holes in the cooked brownie to let the icing seep into it, spreading the peanut butter chocolate flavor throughout.

    1. That sounds absolutely delicious. :) Thanks Sewicked.

  2. Oh Shannon, I want to comment, but I have nothing exciting to say!! My garden is now covered under a foot of snow, and I didn't get my garlic in on time. I didn't do much food storage this year, mostly just storing root vegetables in the cold room. And I feel like I have no time to actually bake! I do make most of my foods from scratch, but even so, in the last two weeks I've been busy and lazy. I need a change around here!

    1. Well don't worry too much about the garlic. If this year's anything like last year you'll probably have a thaw or two to get them in the ground.
