Friday, 2 November 2012

Learning from 2012

We learned quite a few things this year:
  • I don't actually have the time or desire to keep track of seeding/transplanting/harvesting every week on top of watering and weeding.
  • I don't mind drying/freezing/canning our produce and would much rather have a big harvest to store than a continuous trickle that will most likely get wilty and gross before we eat it
  • We don't need half as many varieties and would probably be much better off planting more of what we'll definitely eat
  • The seedlings were leggy because they didn't get enough light
  • The transplants did poorly because they were not properly hardened off
  • The garden in general did poorly because the soil's still terrible and we didn't water nearly enough
  • The front lawn is a waste of space(even tiny as it is) an no one wants to mow it even if the mower were working
What did you learn this year?

1 comment:

  1. Those are great learnings! I learn something every year. This year I found out I really like my little green house. That I want to plant to store, and get the CSA to eat. That my kids will eat a lot more vegetables than I give them credit for. Especially when that's all I offer.
