Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Sheilds are Holding Cap'n

Made of nothing but a layer of newspaper and a few sticks to keep it from blowing away, the squirrel shield seems to be holding! It's been at least 18 hours now and no signs of trouble. Knock on wood but I think this just might work!

What do you use for critter protection?


  1. Ha ha. My worse critter problem is my dog. He loves the blood and bone meal and the compost. I have to sprinkle cajun pepper around so he won't dig up my beds. But not in the kids gardens!!

    1. No pepper in the kids' garden because it would bother them? or because the dog doesn't dig there?

    2. Cause my kids are pretty enthusiastic gardeners and often garden directly with their hands.

    3. Ah... hot peppers in the eyes/mouth = bad
