As you can see from the
Garden Planner page... I'm tending to drift. :)
The day's I've been planting the seeds were supposed to be exactly a week apart (every Tuesday) I
just got this Tuesday's batch planted today (Friday). I think I'm going to start planting the Sunday before because I'm just to lazy after work.
Even though I've been a bit lax in my discipline, the sprouts seem to be doing mostly well.
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The first Seedling pack is doing very well. (Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower) | I've even up-potted some broccoli that were getting too big for those little slots. |
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In this pack left & center column parsley, right column top to bottom: lavender, echinacea, lavender. I think the top left and bottom right seeds rotted instead of sprouting. :( | And last but not least, This pack has a cabbage sprout and the four seeds from today. |
Last weekend, John and I got the wood from the tree cutting out of the garden and all the small stuff cut to bundle length. We forgot to get twine so it's been sitting on the patio all week waiting to get bundled up.
(Planning to get that done tomorrow)
From this... |
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To this! | The beds have been roughly marked out by the carpet paths we lay down last weekend. Each bed will get turned over, sifted and mixed with manure etc this weekend. |
Since the ground never really had a chance to freeze deep this winter, the soil's been loose and dig-able every time the temps go up to 10°C so the high of 15° on Sunday should be perfect.